3 Tanggapan untuk "Nursing Implications for Vinblastine Sulfate"

  1. Great article !Vincristine is a chemotherapy drug used to treat many cancers, including leukaemia, lymphoma, myeloma, breast cancer and head and neck cancer.
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  2. Vinblastine sulfate, also called cellblastin, derived from C. roseus, as a microtubule disrupter and antineoplastic agent, it binds tubulin and disrupts microtubule assembly and proper formation of the mitotic spindle, which leads to the assembly of microtubules and causing M phase-specific cell cycle arrest. Vinblastine Sulfate

  3. The National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) was initiated by seven Indian Institutes of Technology (Bombay, Delhi, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras, Guwahati and Roorkee) along with the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore in 2003., funded by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) Government of India. The primary objective was to provide e-learning through free online web and video courses and to achieve the three cardinal principles of Education Policy viz., access, equity and quality as a non-profit educational initiative. Website is nptel.ac.in.
    As part of the lectures delivered in Plant Cell Bioprocessing course, we would like to use one of the image in this page. The source of the images has also been acknowledged in the videos and the content is used for a purely non-profit educational purpose. The course will be offered on swayam.gov.in, where enrollment is free and archived on nptel.ac.in, where too users can access the same. We request for your approval to use the images listed below.
    "Nursing Implications for Vinblastine Sulfate"
