Calan, Calan SR,
Covera-HS, Isoptin, Isoptin SR,
Verelan, Verelan PM
Tablet; sustained release
tablet; sustained release capsule; solution for injection
Inhibits calcium ion influx
through slow channels into cells of myocardial and arterial smooth muscle.
Dilates coronary arteries and arterioles and inhibits coronary artery spasm.
Decreases and slows SA and AV node conduction without affecting normal arterial
action potential or intraventricular conduction. Dilates peripheral arterioles,
causing decreased total peripheral resistance, and this results in lowering the
Decreases angina attacks by
dilating coronary arteries and inhibiting coronary vasospasms. Decreases nodal
conduction, resulting in an antiarrhythmic effect. Decreased total peripheral
vascular resistance; and therefore, reduction in BP.
tachyarrhythmias; Prinzmetal’s (variant) angina, chronic stable angina;
unstable, crescendo or preinfarctive angina and essential hypertension.
Paroxysmal supraventricular
tachycardia, atrial fibrillation; prophylaxis of migraine headache; and as
alternate therapy in manic depression.
Severe hypotension
(systolic less than 90 mm Hg), cardiogenic shock, cardiomegaly, digitalis
toxicity, second- or thirddegree AV block; Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome
including atrial flutter and fibrillation; accessory AV pathway, left
ventricular dysfunction, severe CHF, sinus node disease, sick sinus syndrome
(except in patients with functioning ventricular pacemaker); lactation.
Duchenne’s muscular
dystrophy; hepatic and renal impairment; MI followed by coronary occlusion,
aortic stenosis; GI obstruction, GERD, hiatal hernia, ileus; pregnancy (category
C); extended release tablets: children younger than 18 y.
Adult: PO 80 mg q6–8h, may increase
up to 320–480 mg/day in divided doses (Note: Covera-HS must be given
once daily at bedtime)
Adult: PO 80 mg t.i.d. or 90–240 mg
sustained release 1–2 × day up to 480 mg/day
(Note: Covera-HS must be given once daily at bedtime)
Tachycardia, Atrial Fibrillation
Adult/Adolescent (15 y or
older): IV 5–10 mg after 30 min may
give 10 mg (max total dose: 20 mg)
Child/Adolescent (up to
15 y): IV 0.1–0.3 mg/kg (do not
exceed 5 mg)
Infant: IV 0.1–0.2 mg/kg may repeat
after 30 min
Renal Impairment Dosage
CrCl less than 10 mL/min:
Give 50–75% of dose
Nursing Implications for Verapamil Hydrochloride |
Related for Nursing Implications and Drugs Guide Information
- Nursing Implications for Vilazodone Viibryd
- Nursing Implications for Vinblastine Sulfate
- Nursing Implications for Vincristine Sulfate Vincasar PFS
- Nursing Implications for Vinorelbine Tartrate Navelbine
- Nursing Implications for VISMODEGIB Erivedge
- Nursing Implications for VITAMIN A Aquasol A, Del-Vi-A
Hemodialysis Dosage
Supplemental dose not necessary
Hepatic Impairment Dosage
Cirrhosis: Use 20–50% of normal dose
- Give with
food to reduce gastric irritation.
- Capsules
can be opened and contents sprinkled on food. Do NOT dissolve or chew capsule
- Do not
withdraw abruptly; may increase and extend duration of pain in the angina
Given undiluted or diluted
in 5 mL of sterile water for injection.
Inspect parenteral drug
preparation before administration. Make sure solution is clear and colorless.
ADMINISTER: Direct: Give a single dose over 2–3
Solution/additive: Albumin, aminophylline,
amphotericin B, hydralazine, trimethoprim/ sulfamethoxazole.
Y-site: Albumin, amphotericin B
cholesteryl complex, ampicillin,
lansoprazole, mezlocillin, nafcillin, oxacillin, propofol, sodium
- Store at
15°–30° C (59°–86° F) and protect from light.
Dizziness, vertigo, headache, fatigue,
sleep disturbances, depression, syncope. CV: Hypotension, congestive
heart failure, bradycardia, severe tachycardia, peripheral edema, AV block. GI:
Nausea, abdominal discomfort, constipation, elevated liver enzymes. Body
as a Whole: Flushing, pulmonary edema, muscle fatigue, diaphoresis. Skin:
May cause false positive for urine screen detection
of methadone.
Drug: BETA-BLOCKERS increase risk of CHF, bradycardia, or heart block;
significantly increased levels of digoxin and carbamazepine and
toxicity; potentiates hypotensive effects of HYPOTENSIVE AGENTS; levels of lithium
and cyclosporine may be increased, increasing their toxicity; calcium
salts (IV) may antagonize verapamil effects. Food: Grapefruit juice may
increase verapamil levels. Herbal: Hawthorne may have additive
hypotensive effects. St. John’s wort may decrease efficacy.
Absorption: 90% absorbed, but only 25–30% reaches systemic circulation (first
pass metabolism). Peak: 1–2 h PO; 4–8 h sustained release; 5 min IV. Distribution:
Widely distributed, including CNS; crosses placenta; present in breast
milk. Metabolism: In liver (CYP3A4). Elimination: 70% in urine;
16% in feces. Half-Life: 2–8 h.
Assessment & Drug Effects
- Establish
baseline data and periodically monitor BP and pulse with oral administration.
- Following
IV infusion, instruct patient to remain in recumbent position for at least 1 h
after dose is given to diminish subjective effects of transient asymptomatic
hypotension that may accompany infusion.
- Monitor for
AV block or excessive bradycardia when IV infusion is given concurrently with
- Monitor
I&O ratio during IV and early oral maintenance therapy. Renal impairment
prolongs duration of action, increasing potential for toxicity and incidence of
adverse effects. Advise patient to report gradual weight gain and evidence of
- Monitor ECG
continuously during IV administration. Essential because drug action may be
prolonged and incidence of adverse reactions is highest during IV
administration in older adults, patients with impaired kidney function, and
patients of small stature.
- Check BP
shortly before administration of next dose to evaluate degree of control during
early treatment for hypertension.
- Montior lab
tests: Baseline and periodic LFTs and kidney functions.
Patient & Family
- Monitor
radial pulse before each dose, notify prescriber of an irregular pulse or one
slower than established guideline.
- Do not
drive or engage in potentially hazardous
activities until response to drug is known.
- Decrease intake
of caffeinecontaining beverage (i.e., coffee, tea, chocolate).
- Change
positions slowly from lying down to standing to prevent falls because of
drug-related vertigo until tolerance to reduced BP is established.
- Notify
prescriber of easy bruising, petechiae, unexplained bleeding.
- Do not use
OTC drugs, especially aspirin, unless they are specifically prescribed by
UNC-2025 hydrochloride is the hydrochloride salt of UNC-2025, which is the Mer/FLT3 dual inhibitor. UNC-2025 hydrochloride